Operations Area: Electoral Access & Strategy

Hélder brings onboard a wealth of experience, underpinned by his expertise as an IT Engineer and further enriched by roles across diverse industries. A beneficiary of European Mobility opportunities, Hélder is a staunch advocate for a strong European Union, especially in today’s complex, multipolar world. His master’s degree in Government and Public Management has instilled in him an Atlantic orientation and a deep appreciation for the historical significance of preserving our alliances.

Having navigated conflict areas firsthand, Hélder’s commitment to individual freedoms and the sanctity of democratic institutions is unwavering. He has dedicated himself to raising awareness about the transgressions committed by totalitarian regimes, be they communist, Nazi, or others. His activism extends to various civic associations and NGOs, reflecting his deep-seated commitment to justice and democracy.

Inspired by the visionary founding fathers of the EU, Hélder’s mission is to uphold and further their legacy – one of enduring peace and prosperity for all European citizens. As Electoral Access and Strategy Lead, he channels this passion into ensuring Forward Europe’s presence on ballots across the continent, a critical step towards realizing the party’s vision.